Greetings Brothers, Sorors of Zeta Phi Beta, and Friends,
It is my honor, as the President of Tau Beta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., and on behalf of my brothers to welcome you to our website. Our chapter and its members have been striving to ensure that we improve the quality and advancement of the Savannah community since 1933. Our organization’s principles of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service drive our actions and motivates us constantly.
For those familiar with our chapter, you know of the high standards we strive to achieve in meeting the needs of our community. We ask that you continue to support our service, social and charitable endeavors throughout the year. Some of the initiatives that we will be undertaking are; our annual Sigma Awards Gala, where we honor people in our community for their outstanding achievements and community service. Our continued sponsorships of The March of Dimes March for Babies, Relay for Life, American Cancer Society and Breast Cancer walk. We are also keenly aware that our youth are the future and so we have developed a very strong and active mentorship program via our Sigma Beta club, which is geared towards the development of young men, ages 8 to 18. It allows us to provide positive leadership and activities to assist them in becoming future leaders.
Again, welcome to our website. Should you need any information or would like to collaborate with the brothers of Tau Beta Sigma, please feel free to contact myself or any of the chapter brothers.
Thanks again.
Bro. Deion Williams, President
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Tau Beta Sigma, Savannah Graduate Chapter